Veneto is a rich and diverse land, where beauty is everywhere. Spectacular Venetian Villas and medieval Castles are the frames of important international events as, for example, Verona’s Vinitaly (worldwide fine wine exhibition), where one can explore the best food and wine Veneto can offer, from Valpolicella’s Amarone to “frizzante” Prosecco, from taste-wraparound Asiago cheese to freshly-pressed extra-virgin olive oil.
Natural pathways extend from the Dolomiti mountains to the Euganean and Berici Hills, ranging the Po Valley up to the Po Delta’s Park. Finally, the majestic laguna, cradle of the wonderful city of Venice, is surrounded by other Citta’ D’Arte (cities with remarkable historic and cultural scenes) such as Vicenza, Padua, Verona and a number of medieval villages.
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