Venetian villas among green hills

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The beauty of the Venetian mansions set in the Euganean hills, a journey to discover good taste and good flavors.

Venetian villas among green hills 325,00€/ person

Additional Information

The Villas of the Veneto hinterland in the 16th century were transformed from simple rural residences into majestic estates in the lands where the Venetian nobility expanded their power. The first stop of our trip is villa Vescovi UNESCO site, which is on top of a hill and has a breathtaking view from all the four sides of the building. Its frescoed salons are framed in wide stained glass windows, which create a natural energy exchange between inside and outside. Your lunch is based on local food accompanied by excellent wines in which this area is rich. In the afteroon, you will visit the gardens of Valsanzibio, which are considered one of the largest and most intact famous gardens in the world for their time. Built between 1665 and 1696, they are 10 enchanting hectares covered in fountains and lakes, labyrinths and streams and are an extraordinary example of gardens full of symbolism.

The second day starts with a visit to the mill of the hills. This is an authentic experience of the history of genuine scents and ancient feats and falls into the vision of a new reality always faithful to the past. After, there will be a tasting of baked products accompanied by strictly organic cheeses, jams and local products. The next stop is a singular example of a Venetian villa planned as a castle. A true medieval castle with high walls incorporating a sumptuous Venetian villa with refined painted walls, showing battle scenes, weddings and poisonous roots; a spectacular cycle of frescoes. A week-and accompanied by tastings of high quality products which are hard to find on the international market.


Day 1
Accommodation in selected structure

Day 2
Bike retreat at selected structure
Visit to Villa Vescovi
Visit to Catajo Castle
Overnight in selected structure

Day 3
Visit to mill of the Hills + tasting
Visit of gardens Valzanzibio
Overnight in selected structure

What's included

– 3 nights’ accommodation
– Visit Villa Vescovi with lunch
– Visit Catajo Castle
– Visit Valsanzibio Gardens
– Lunch second day
– Visit Mill with tasting

What excludes
– E-Bike Rental
– All services not mentioned are not included.

Service on request

• Extra nights accommodation before and after the tour
• Tour leader by bike for the duration of the tour
• E-Bike Rental

Henetos Routers has thought of everything you need for your bike tour.

Your E-Bike is supplied with:
• a charger;
• a Smartphone with preloaded GPS tracks to make you follow the route with ease and safety;
• Total remote assistance and, if necessary, on-site assistance

Km routes: 62km

Departure and arrival

Battle Terme or Monselice


– Friday, Saturday and Sunday
– March/October


from 1 to 3 € 325,00 / person
from 4 or + € 310,00 / person

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